What a Summer

Here is a short video of Lewey 🙂 The Douglas squirrels move the babies around and this is the first time Lewey has ventured outside. My other video is longer and shows all three of them that I have named Hewey, Dewey and Lewey as the are very curious and quite cute.

The entire summer has been a challenge for Nature, Our weather was Hot and Dry with no rain relief and forest fires everywhere. With all that and the horrible increase of forest destruction in order to build mass housing the animals are finding themselves homeless and dying. The proof if that is in the display given by our Northwest Orca whale Momma carrying her dead baby for 17 days !!!!!!  It’s serious for our entire Earth right now and Mother Nature is truly mad and is pulling out all she can to protect Mother Earth and all her treasured creations.  The storms will only get stronger until massive changes are made. I hope mankind realizes that we will wipe ourselves out with greed and nature itself will prevail without us.

The increase in predator activity has made it hard for my feeding stations and I have had to get creative everyday.  I have noticed missing locals which is sad and a part of life but I do have some new members too.  Of course Woody and Momma had babies and this year we got 2 🙂 boy and a girl.

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I am hungry
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I will add more about these two in my upcoming posts. I am making changes to this site and will update as I can.

Get out and check on your local wildlife they are all amazing creatures.

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